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Wild Beef + Patate (roast-beef, rucola, gorgonzola, salsa alla senape e miele)

€ 15.00

roast-beef, rocket, blue cheese, mustard & honey sauce

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Porco Diavolo + Patate (Salsiccia, Nduja, Provola, Datterini Gialli, Rucola)

€ 14.00

sausage, spicy lard, cheese, yellow tomatoes, rocket salad

Prodotto Piccante
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Oh My Deer! + patate (pane di segale, hamburger di cervo 200 gr, crema di porcini, formaggio, cavolo rosso, salsa ai frutti rossi)

€ 16.00

Rye bread, Venison burger 200 gr, cheese, mushroomsauce, red cabbage, redu fruits sauce + chips

Contiene alimenti Surgelati
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Ciarighì + Patate (pane di segale, uovo fritto, speck, formagella)

€ 11.00

Rye bread, fried egg, cheese, smocked-ham, rustic + chips

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Pane e Salsiccia del Bezzi con Patatine Fritte

€ 10.00

Bread and Home-made grilled sausage with chips

Contiene alimenti Surgelati
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Roial + Patate (guancia di maialino sfilacciata in slasa bbq, maionese con grani di senape, cavolo rosso, emmenthal, mela verde)

€ 14.00

Roial + Chips (pulled pork, mayo with mustard seeds, cheese, apple, red cabbage)

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Alpin Hot-dog (pane di segale, wurstel, formaggio fuso, crauti) + patate

€ 13.00

Alpin Hot-dog + chips (Rye-bread, wurstel, cheese, sauerkraut)

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Tiroler + Patate (Hamburger di manzo 150 gr, speck grigliato, casolet)

€ 14.00


Tiroler + Chips (Beef burger 150 gr, grilled smocked-ham, casolet cheese)

Contiene alimenti Surgelati
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Ingordo + Patate (hamburger di manzo 150 gr, uovo fritto, pancetta grigliata, fontina)

€ 14.00

Ingordo + Rustic Chips (Beef burger 150 gr, bacon, cheese)

Contiene alimenti Surgelati
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Classic + Patate (hamburger di manzo 150 gr, insalata, pomodoro, fontina)

€ 14.00

Classic + Chips (beef burger 150 gr, salad, tomatoe, cheese)

Contiene alimenti Surgelati
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Veg-Mountain Style + Patate (Formaggio fuso, crauti)

€ 11.00

Veg-Mountain Style + Chips (grilled cheese, sauerkraut)

Contiene alimenti SurgelatiProdotto Vegetariano
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Trentino (pane di segale, speck e formaggio)

€ 6.00

rye bread smocked-ham and cheese

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Big Toast

€ 6.00

Double toast ham and cheese

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